Personality Profile: the INFP

Personality Profile: the INFPArtistic, Open – minded, Individualistic

INFP’s are sensitive artists with a great wealth of caring and insight into their fellow man. More than most types, the INFP has a great compulsion to help the disenfranchised, or those looked down upon by society. For example, Princess Diana, a beloved INFP sought out AIDS victims, showing them love and respect at a time when the disease was misunderstood and its victims were largely feared. By taking the lead with her example, she encouraged others to do the same. Lady Gaga, an INFP, has taken up the cause of defending and celebrating bullied children, or kids who do not fit in with their peers. The INFP need to seek out society’s forgotten is largely due to the type’s first function, Introverted Feeling, which looks upon the emotions of the individual, as opposed to the group. The INFP is concerned with the individual and values each person for who they are and who they are meant to become.

The INFP believes there is good in everyone. They are patient and sincere with others, although perfectionistic when it comes to themselves. The INFP is a rather talented individual who is capable of finding success rather easily. It is important to the INFP, that what ever they are successful at, or what ever project they are undertaking aligns with their values and blends with the version of themselves they aspire to be. INFP’s are usually very kind and sensitive toward others, giving them the space to be who they are, without their viewpoints being judged or trampled upon. In this way, they create a sense of ease with those around them.

INFP’s are attracted to what is novel and different. For this reason they can sometimes be eccentric, although they may not recognize this themselves. INFP’s are usually quiet, reserved and hard to get to know. When they are around their select group, they tend to break out of their shell more willingly.

INFP’s value creativity and feel the need to create. This can be done through poetry writing, knitting and sewing, or playing music. Although most INFP’s have no problem with the analytical, they usually prefer the artistic or philosophical. They can have a wide variety of friends, but typically gravitate toward those who share their same philosophical bent. INFP’s are also one of the most loyal types, so if you show an INFP your favor or care, they will always have your back and appreciate you.

Celebrity INFP’s include Princess Diana of Whales, (the People’s Princess) Lady Gaga (musician) and Mr. Rogers, (Presbyterian Minister and host of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood).

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