Personality Profile: the ENFJ

Personality Profile: the ENFJ

Understanding, Expressive, Inspirational

If you can call an ENFJ a friend, you are a blessed individual, indeed. ENFJ’s are encouraging, insightful and friendly. They have exceptional social skills, and rely on them to bring out even the most shy of types. ENFJ’s typically do not like to be alone, and as a result, will spend a lot of time focused on the possibilities for people and organizations in which they take part. Due to the ENFJ’s lead preference of extraverted feeling, they can be very affectionate and show enthusiasm when speaking to you. ENFJ’s have a special ability to make people feel important and that they matter.

ENFJ’s care deeply about the well being of others and likes to mentor. For this reason, they can be seen in careers such as teaching, broadcasting or counseling. The ENFJ can combine their extraverted feeling function with the introverted intuition function (Ni) to assess an individual’s circumstance, and know what to say and do to bring positive change to them. ENFJ’s have such great social skills that they can get someone to do something without the other party being aware that they were acting under the ENFJ influence.

ENFJ’s are usually straight forward and honest. However, they may hold their opinions back if it stifles growth in others.  More than most extraverted types, they have the tendency to be so focused on others that they hold themselves back and do not reveal themselves easily. This is in an effort to maintain somewhat of control of situations. As a result, however, ENFJ’s can often feel lonely and isolated. This type encourages self expression of others but is hesitant to express themselves fully. This being stated, ENFJ’s often cannot hide their emotions when speaking to you, utilizing facial expressions and variety in voice. The ENFJ is great at taking care of others, but will often fall into the trap of taking care of everyone but themselves.

True to their intuitive typing, the ENFJ loves to discuss theories, ideas and learning. They are deep thinkers and intellectually curious. They care about the state of humanity and want to lead it to improvement. For this reason, the ENFJ is attracted to social justice issues, and the betterment of society. ENFJ’s are driven by their values and seek to live in accordance to what they feel is right. They are future oriented and long term planners, so they may become bored by daily activities or anything they view as mundane. They would rather be inspiring a group or gathering the masses to execute their agenda, whether it be solving world hunger or tackling the latest work project. An ENFJ won’t go it alone, but will certainly lead the way.

Celebrity ENFJ’s include Leslie Knope (Parks and Rec), Oprah Winfrey (Media Mogul), Taylor Swift (musician) and Bradley Cooper (actor).

Hi! I hope you enjoyed this article on the ENFJ. If you would like me to type you, or speak to your group, feel free to reach out to me at

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