Personality Profile: the ISTJ

Personality Profile: the ISTJ

Observant, Dutiful, Composed.

The ISTJ, more than most types, guard their reputation for being highly reliable. ISTJ’s have a strong sense of duty and will work themselves to the bone, time and time again to uphold structures they feel are important. ISTJ’s have a great propensity to “get it done” and will hardly ever take a sick day. They use their sensing function (Si) to observe the world around them and then categorize. The ISTJ has a very strongly developed Si, with which they use to observe the world and collect data. They adhere to  familiarity, tradition and are not comfortable with non conformity or rule breaking, unless they see a worthy reason for doing so.

Although thinking types, the ISTJ is particularly soft hearted and usually has great tenderness for others, although they may hide this part of themselves. The ISTJ is not typically comfortable with emotions or the dramatics, so save your crying fit and hysterics for another type. The ISTJ will simply do what needs to be done, based upon their value system without creating much a fuss. For this reason, they can often do an incredible amount of the seemingly mundane, like paperwork, filing taxes, etc. Many ISTJ’s are drawn to careers like accounting and working with numbers, as this type of structure does not bother them. Other ISTJ’s rely on their incredible skill of observations and may gravitate toward police work or journalism.

The ISTJ’s main concern is God, Country and Family. They seek order in society and feel it is their responsibility to uphold this. ISTJ’s do not like making waves and expect you to “toe the line.” They may surprise others at their ability to be accommodating. They typically do not like to argue, and strive to uphold peace. They will often accept people as they are, unless that person stands as a threat to what the ISTJ holds most dear. They do not seek trouble, but rather, protect what is theirs against it.

The ISTJ may be prone to stress and tension. They usually cope with this by overindulging in the snacks or beer. When under stress, they may become irrationally angry or imagine negative possibilities are everywhere. When things go wrong, they place the brunt of the responsibilities on themselves and are there own worst critic, believing they have failed to live up to their strong sense of duty.

Celebrity ISTJ’s include Captain America, (superhero and patriot) Sheldon Cooper, ( the Big Bang Theory), Chief Brody, (Jaws), and Condoleezza Rice, (Secretary of State under the Bush Administration.)

Hi! I hope you enjoyed this post on the ISTJ. If you would like me to provide you with your own personal typological profile or speak to your company or group, please feel free to email me at

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