Personality Profile: the ISFJ

Personality Profile: the ISFJ

Conscientious, Nurturing, Traditional

Like their SJ family, the ISFJ uses their introverted function of introverted sensing (Si) to store away a vast amount of information and experiences. Since they are feelers, this is mainly geared toward people. They are able to recognize and remember things about people that other types may miss, like their second cousin twice removed favorite color is pale blue, for example. ISFJ’s are typically sentimental and may be packrats, keeping a place for mementos and documentation of their loved one’s accomplishments. Family is very important to the ISFJ, and they are typically seen as the ideal mother or father.

ISFJ’s like the established order of things, and will take great pains to make sure it is nurtured. They have a deep well of feelings for themselves and others, and are unassuming in nature. For this reason, they may develop somewhat of a martyr syndrome, sacrificing their own health and happiness to make sure what they care about it taken care of and secure. The ISFJ is not usually confrontational, so they may not always verbalize it when they feel their kindness and eagerness to help is being taken for granted. Or, they may take the other route, and complain a lot.

ISFJ’s are practical people and good at handling tasks which require great detail. They don’t like abstract thought or theory unless they see it as having a practical application. They don’t often delve below the surface of issues, but rather are attuned to the results that they see in front of them. This usually means a strict adherence to the rules and established social order. To them, rules are in place for a reason and should be respected as such. ISFJ’s seek security and may be uncomfortable with people or situations that deviate from the norm. This being stated, the ISFJ is usually gentle and kind with everyone.

ISFJ’s are appreciated for their steadiness and ability to cultivate stability in what ever environment they are in. ISFJ’s love convention and may be seen as your favorite Sunday school  or elementary school teacher. In an ISFJ’s spare time, they may not be contemplating ways to solve world hunger, but will make sure there is supper on table waiting for you when you get home. ISFJ’s often utilize their great memory for people to discuss with them what it going on in their life and create a sense in others they are care for and valued. They would love to feel that they are cared for and valued in return.

Celebrity ISFJ’s include Jeff Foxworthy (comedian), Beyonce (musician) and Robin Roberts ( news anchor).

Hi, I hope you enjoyed this article on the ISFJ. If you would like your own typological profile or would like me to speak to your group or company, feel free to email me at


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